The vast majority of families with children enrolled at BDN are eligible for subsidized child care. BDN, a non-profit 501 (c) organization registered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, relies heavily on funding from the Department of Early Childhood and Care (EEC) to provide the following types of child care to children and families:
For families who are involved with the Department of Children and Families (DCF) because of abuse
and/or neglect issues, a closed referral comes directly from DCF. BDN staff work with the family, the social worker, the classroom staff and other professionals as needed, to develop and implement a service plan for each child in care.
For working parents who meet EEC income eligibility and service need guidelines. BDN holds a contract with EEC for both pre-school and school-age slots. Unfortunately, we currently have no income-eligible infant/toddler slots. P.A.C.E Child Care Works also provides income-eligible child care slots to families with preschoolers through a different funding source (DOE).
For families receiving Transitional Assistance for Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC), usually single mothers, the parent must either attend school or a training program on a full-time basis or begin full-time employment to be eligible for a voucher.
Parents receiving Income Eligible or Voucher child care pay a weekly child care fee according to their income and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Sliding Fee Scale for Child Care. Parents with children in Supportive Child Care do not pay any fees. Transportation to and from child care is provided to children in Supportive Child Care. Transportation is provided to children in Income Eligible and Voucher child care slots only if the parent can demonstrate a need for transportation.
The vast majority of families with children enrolled at BDN are eligible for subsidized child care. BDN, a non-profit 501 (c) organization registered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, relies heavily on funding from the Department of Early Childhood and Care (EEC) to provide the following types of child care to children and families:
For families who are involved with the Department of Children and Families (DCF) because of abuse
and/or neglect issues, a closed referral comes directly from DCF. BDN staff work with the family, the social worker, the classroom staff and other professionals as needed, to develop and implement a service plan for each child in care.
For working parents who meet EEC income eligibility and service need guidelines. BDN holds a contract with EEC for both pre-school and school-age slots. Unfortunately, we currently have no income-eligible infant/toddler slots. P.A.C.E Child Care Works also provides income-eligible child care slots to families with preschoolers through a different funding source (DOE).
For families receiving Transitional Assistance for Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC), usually single mothers, the parent must either attend school or a training program on a full-time basis or begin full-time employment to be eligible for a voucher.
Parents receiving Income Eligible or Voucher child care pay a weekly child care fee according to their income and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Sliding Fee Scale for Child Care. Parents with children in Supportive Child Care do not pay any fees. Transportation to and from child care is provided to children in Supportive Child Care. Transportation is provided to children in Income Eligible and Voucher child care slots only if the parent can demonstrate a need for transportation.